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The Requisition Logbook accomplishes two purposes: First, it serves as a ready reference for material on order; and second, it serves as a record of material received. This book should have columns for the requisition number, stock number, nomenclature, quantity ordered, unit price, total cost, date ordered, date received, local supply department requisition number, and amount received. These columns can be varied to meet local needs.


Piles must be maintained to hold documents that relate to prospective material receipts and which, upon receipt of the material, are used to ease the receiving process. Piles are also required to hold the documents after they are processed to provide records of receipt. Material Outstanding File

The material outstanding file contains a copy of each procurement document for material and services not yet received. The file also includes, as attachments to individual procurement requests, related documentation, such as follow-ups, supply status, and shipping status.

Material Completed File

The material completed file contains a copy of each procurement document that has been removed from the material outstanding file once the material is received or canceled. It also contains a copy of each applicable receipt document.

NOTE: Because of the volume of business and numerous customers at any supply department, matters requiring follow-up on outstanding requisitions are handled more efficiently when you know the supply requisition number.


The term inventory, as used by Photographer's Mates, applies to the actual number of items physically within the imaging-facility spaces and under the control of the imaging-facility manager or officer.

Inventory aboard ship is necessary to ensure that ships have a well-rounded stock of materials on board to sustain operations for a maximum period of time. To do this, you must maintain effective inventory procedures for all items in stock.

Physical inventories must be performed to verify the accuracy of stock records and to adjust the stock records when discrepancies are found. Briefly, periodic inventories are taken for the following reasons:

To determine quantities of stock on hand for comparison with stock record card balances To determine the difference between actual physical count and stock record card balances To verify the causes of these differences

To provide data to help prevent future discrepancies

The most important aspect of physical inventory is to ensure that material presumed to be in stock is actually present and available for issue when needed. The false security created by an erroneous balance on the stock record card is serious. A zero balance, for instance, may be rectified by timely procurement action; however, when the zero balance is not known and there is a demand for the material, a serious problem exists.

NOTE: When taking inventory in a storeroom, you must use the correct NSN or the count will be posted to the wrong card. To help prevent errors in inventory and issues, you should mark all stock in the storerooms with an NSN. This may be done by placing a stock tag on the bin or drawer front when only one type of material is stowed therein, by fastening a stock tag to the item, or by writing the NSN on the item. It takes a little time to mark stock properly when it is inventoried or received, but it can save you a lot of time later on.

Imaging Equipment and Material

You might think of your responsibilities as a supply petty officer as being a circle formed by a chain with each link representing a specific job. Each link is dependent on others. When the procurement documents are prepared properly, the receiving procedure is relatively simple. As the "storekeeper" for an imaging facility, you are responsible for the receipt, identification, inspection, and distribution of incoming supplies and equipment. Two terms you should

Fieure 5-16.-NAVSUP Form 306.

understand in your work as the imaging-facility supply petty officer arc accountability and custody. Accountability for plant property, photographic materials, and imaging materials is an important function. You may be required to assist by inventorying and record keeping for all such Navy-owned property held by your work center. It is the responsibility of the department head or photo officer to maintain records of accountable property issued to the imaging facility. Guidelines and instructions concerning accountability and disposition of audiovisual equipment are located in the Navy Visual Information Management and Operations Manual, OPNAVINST 5290.1.

The term custody indicates the responsibility for proper care, stowage, and use of Navy material. The manager or officer of the imaging facility is responsible for all supplies stocked in an imaging facility. When the supplies are stowed in storerooms, the photo officer has technical custody of the material. As the supply petty officer, you have actual custody (physical custody) of the material. As such, you have subcustody of materials in the storeroom(s). You are also responsible to the photo officer for its safekeeping.

Plant Property

The term plant property is used to describe Navy-owned real property and other types of property in the care of the Navy.

All plant property items are divided into four classes as follows:

Class 1-land

Class 2-buildings and improvements

Class 3-equipment (other than industrial production equipment)

Class 4-industrial production equipment

As a Photographer's Mate, you will be most concerned with Class 3-equipment. Some examples are typewriters, adding machines, and enlargers. Remember, custody records must be maintained for this material throughout its useful life.

Custody Cards

For each item of controlled equipment requiring custody signature, you must have a ControlledEquipage Custody Record (4442), NAVSUP Form 306 and NAVSUP Form 460 (figs 5-16 and 5-17). Both cards are referred to as "custody cards." Each card is signed by the appropriate authority for custody after having sighted the item identified on the card. NAVSUP Form 306 is punched to fit into a three-ring binder. NAVSUP Form 460 fits into the pocket of a Cardex File.

The original and at least one copy of the custody card is prepared for each item of equipment requiring

Figure 5-17.-NAVSUP Form 460.)

custody signature. The original is maintained by the supply officer or the department head. When the supply officer maintains the original, the department head usually signs the custody card. Most imaging units have the original custody cards maintained by the department head, and the originals are signed by the division officer assuming subcustody.

Duplicate copies of custody cards are usually maintained by the supply petty officer for subcustody purposes. When an item of equipment is issued to a crew member or subcustody, the crew member must sign the duplicate copy of the custody card. Equipment that is installed permanently, such as enlargers and processors, should be issued on subcustody to the petty officer in charge of the work section where the equipment is located.

The duplicate copy of the custody card is also used for inventory purposes. The card must be signed by the person conducting the inventory. The original custody card needs to be signed only once by the person having custody of the item. The original custody card should not be signed each time an inventory is conducted; however, the original custody card must be signed by the relieving authority after sighting the item.

Inventory of Controlled (Custody) Equipage

All items of controlled equipage must be inventoried. The frequency of controlled-equipage inventory is at the discretion of each individual command; however, inventories of controlled equipage are required when any of the following situations occur:

The ship, station, or unit is commissioned, inactivated, or reactivated.

The department head is relieved or transferred.

Upon change of command, at the discretion of the relieving commanding officer.

NOTE: Although not specifically required, an inventory should be conducted whenever the imaging-facility manager, photo officer, or supply petty officer is relieved or transferred.

A Controlled-Equipage Custody Record (4442), NAVSUP Form 306 or NAVSUP Form 460, should be used to conduct the controlled-equipage inventory. Each article should be sighted and inspected for serviceability by the person making the inventory.

When an inventory is conducted, articles should be identified and verified by serial number or plant-account number.

As the inventory progresses, the person conducting the inventory signs the custody record acknowledging custody or inventory, as appropriate, of all the items sighted. Equipage inventories must be completed within 30 days after it has begun. When taken jointly by the department head being relieved and the relieving department head, for example, the inventory must be completed before the outgoing department head detaches from the activity.

Once the equipage inventory is completed, the department head must submit a letter to the commanding officer with a copy to the supply officer. Whenever possible, the letter should be a joint report from both the relieved and relieving department head with both signatures. The report should include the following information:

The department equipage inventory has been completed.

All requests for surveys that are submitted for shortages and unserviceable items found during the inventory.

Any shortages or unserviceable items found during the inventory must be identified in a Report of Survey (DD Form 200) or Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Recovered Government Property (OPNAV Report 5500-1), as appropriate.


The Navy recognizes the importance of maintaining statistics to determine where, when, and how Navy property became missing, lost, or stolen. Based on this premise, Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Recovered (MLSR) Government Property Reports must be submitted to proper authorities within the Department of the Navy. The ultimate goal of the MLSR program is to improve the physical security of the Navy program. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is responsible for the policy of MLSR, and the Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NAVCRIMINVSERV), is responsible for the management of the program. Commands must report all MLSR incidents and describe the circumstances accurately to ensure the success of the MLSR program.

The anticipated benefit is significant improvement in both ship and shore physical security programs. Reporting of these incidents by MLSR is independent of requesting investigative assistance by NAVCRIMINVSERV.

Details of the MLSR program are provided in Reporting of Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Recovered (MLSR) Government Property, SECNAVINST 5500.4. Senior Photographer's Mates, imaging-facility managers, and Navy officers should become thoroughly familiar with this instruction.

Western Governors University

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